Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thanksgiving Road Trip

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and I feel the excitement growing. We usually go to my brother in northern Virginia. He's health conscious and a pretty good chef so we just bring some sides and/or desserts and have a really nice time. On Thanksgiving Day we leave my brother and sister alone in the kitchen, the good soldiers that they are, and head off to DC to the Smithsonian museums. We've been to the Air and Space, US History, National Gallery, and Natural History museums over and over again. All of the government buildings, monuments, and memorials are historic and define our country. We never seem to get enough, and every year we find new things to explore. Visiting the Holocaust Museums is especially moving, and 2 years ago we saw an exhibit of the Terracota Warriors. By the time we get back we're ready to relax and enjoy some quality family time and turkey. On Friday we usually eat out since there are some wonderful, trendy, and ethnic restaurants in the area. Northern Virginia is a great, extension of the DC beltway, and there is so much going on. Saturday is a slow day, maybe we'll sightsee a little, or maybe we'll just hang out, but usually we'll have leftovers and head back to NY. If you've ever been on the NJ Turnpike on Thanksgiving Sunday you'll know why we leave on Saturday. When we travel on Thanksgiving I love seeing minivans, with far away licence plates, filled with wrapped Christmas presents. I don't know why but it just makes me feel good.

This year, my brother is going to be away, and we are going to have Thanksgiving at home. At first, I thought it was just going to be just us but now I'm not sure. We've invited some friends so we'll see. If we have friends I'm going to have to test drive any new culinary creations. I would hate to try something new, and it be a total flop. If it was just us I would search the internet for healthy Thanksgiving or autumn recipes and give a few of them a try but for guests I would have to try out anything new on the family first. Thanksgiving is special and I hate to just stay with the tried and true, except for the turkey of course.

Staying at home is great but I'm not going to be so lucky after all. On Wednesday, I will be driving to DC anyway to pick up my son at school. I'll start out at about 5:00am and we'll start back to NY right away to avoid the holiday traffic. My not so little secret is that I love the one on one time with him. He just hit the age where we can have an adult conversation, and it's amazing how much more he knows about so many things than I do.

On Black Friday I promise you I will not get out of my pjs, or if I do it will be only to go for a run.

Be safe and enjoy your holiday, Don T

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