Sunday, October 14, 2012

Entry 1: My Story

My name is Don, and I would like to share my story with you. My wife and I spent the Columbus Day Weekend at her friend's vacation home in rural Vermont, eating, hiking and relaxing. There were several couples there, and our host for the weekend was a former chef. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with her sharing stories, cooking ideas, and confiding in her about my life over the past two years. Her passion is bringing big tastes to healthy foods. My passion, mission, and goal is to turn my life around, taking a body that had succumbed to the stresses of midlife and return to one full of energy and health. My hope is that I can exchange some simple ideas for healthy living. I am not an expert, but I read a lot and through trial and error have found a fair measure of success in turning my life around. I also had the help and support of a wonderful doctor, who not only scared the hell out of me but has kept me motivated to stay the course.

During the summer of 2011 I was feeling really sick. My symtoms included being significantly overweight, heat intolerance, profuse sweating, urinating all night, lack of energy and constant headaches. My bp was 180/ can't remember. The diagnosis list was long: blood pressure = bad,  Diabetes ( A1C = 13), cholesterol = off the charts, trigylcerides = off the charts, all kinds of other labs = a mess, fatty liver. Why was I surprised? I shouldn't have been. I have known for years that I have all the risk factors for heart disease and for type two diabetes. I had spent the majority of my adult life eating pretty healthy, low fat, little red meat and no fast food joints. These last few years, however, things seemed to go off the rails, and I paid the price; I got so fat and lazy and really sick. If this story ended here I wouldn't want to share it with anyone, but my life now is a picture of excellent health, great lab numbers, great blood pressure, high energy, and a great outlook. It has taken a lot of work to get to this point, there has been some unexpected turn of events, mostly good, a few set backs, and a lot of fun. I'm not finished yet and I would like to tell my story a little at a time, hear yours, and share ideas and inspiration.


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