Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pro-the best choice - Sex Ed.

I am a married father of two sons, and family planning is no longer an issue. In this election season however, I would like to put my two cents into the conversation.

I am pro-choice, but most of all I'm pro sex education. First of all, to think that our children aren't going to be sexually active until marriage is just plain naive if not ridiculous. It's a fact that comprehensive sex education leads to fewer unplanned pregnancies, fewer STDs, less domestic violence, fewer children being born into poverty and of course fewer abortions. So why is it that those who are the strongest pro-life advocates are often the ones most in favor of abstinence only programs and the belief that teaching sex education will lead teens to become more promiscuous?

My hope for my sons is that they are always honest, respectful, and act like gentlemen in their relationships. I hope that they never father a child until they have completed their formal education and are deeply involved in a loving (married) relationship. I hope that they find happiness with strong women who are independent, successful, take the time to enjoy life and laugh a lot.

I don't think that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe, as Justice Roberts called it "established law", but we can all see how the individual states have launched an all out assault on women''s rights.

Finally, and for me this is big, I just want to say "godspeed" to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. I hope that Justice Ginsberg has the opportunity to be a part of history when the court finally grants equal marriage rights for all. Justice Ginsberg has been such a humble and wonderful servant of the USA, overcoming cancer without missing a stride, and even being best friends with Scalia. I only hope that her retirement and all the rest of her days are filled with good health and happiness.

I feel good sharing my thoughts,  Don T

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