Saturday, October 20, 2012

Just When I Thought I Knew It All

I was ready to post my plea for everyone to join me in following the diabetic exchanges as the best way to a great new you. It works for me and I'm convinced that it would be great for everyone, diabetics and non-diabetics alike.

But as they say, timing is everything. Today's New York Times (10/20/12) page A17 "Diabetes Study Ends Early With a Surprising Result" basically crushed with a sledge hammer everything that I've worked so hard for the last year and a half. Am I going to stop? Never, I've never been healthier, leaner, or more full of energy.  So here's my re-write of todays blog:

 I never focused on losing weight but since the summer of 2011, I went from 200lbs (36 inches) to 150lbs (31 inches) and I'm proudly wearing my 15 year olds hand-me-downs. Today, I will rake the leaves, cut the grass (human power mower and hand rake only please) and run. It's all about a slow and steady process of healthy eating and exercise. Just get started, small baby steps and stick to it.

Just a few words about the The Diabetic Exchanges. It's basically about eating 40- 50 grams of complex carbs at every meal. Complex carbs are great because they have much fewer calories than fatty foods, are healthier and often have more nutrients. High fiber carbs make you feel full longer, and thus less likely to grab empty calorie snacks. The rest of the exchange, meat, dairy, etc, is just like following the food pyramid (food plate).

Read the New York Times article. The take home message for me is that my genetics suck and that the combination of diet, exercise, and meds, together are working. The harder I work the less I will need meds in the future. Am I ready for the challenge? Absolutely.

Next time, a side trip into politics. Until then, Don T

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